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Baby Shark | Kids Song | Debbie Doo

Duration: 03:02Views: 5.5MLikes: 8.5KDate Created: Feb, 2019

Channel: Debbie Doo Kids TV

Category: Music

Tags: countingtoddlersbaby shark dancekids songseducationdoo doo doobaby shark songbaby sharkcounting one to fivedance for kidsbaby shark doo doo doopreschoolersapp storedebbie doochildrenbabyfamily songssongs for kidsfamilysongs for childrenkids

Description: Its time for the fun family nursery rhyme Baby Shark song featuring Debbie Doo and friends! Dance, sing while learning to count 1 to 5 as you follow Baby Shark, Mummy Shark, Daddy Shark, Grandma Shark and Grandpa Shark on their adventure. Try counting along using your fingers as the sharks and other sea creatures come out to say hello. Perfect for kids from preschoolers to primary we hope you enjoy the song and please forget to subscribe and leave a comment. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO DEBBIE DOO! Click the link below, it's super easy and you will never miss a song! Thankyou youtube.com/subscription_.. CONNECT WITH DEBBIE DOO Website: debbiedoo.tv Facebook: facebook.com/DebbieDooTV Twitter: twitter.com/debbiedootv Email: info@debbiedoo.tv PURCHASE DEBBIE DOO MUSIC Direct: debbiedoo.tv/shop-1 iTunes: itunes.apple.com/au/artist/debbie-doo/421189072 PURCHASE DEBBIE DOO BOOKS amazon.com/Speedy-Kangaroo-childrens-rhyming-picture-ebook/dp/B00X3LK9Z4 Debbie Doo :) #BabyShark #NurseryRhymes #FamilySongs

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